Monday, May 21, 2007

Micro Movies

Tomorrow I will be conducting a workshop for a group of teachers that will focus on ways to use digital still cameras and simple editing software like Windows Movie Maker to make micro movies about specific ideas or topics.

In this case we will focus on advertising. The teachers will use the digital cameras to "deconstruct" advertising in their local communities. They will load them into Movie Maker and record voice over commentaries about the advertisements. It's a fun and hands-on way to analyse advertisements.

The great thing about micro movies is that you get results fast, and that's very motivating for students, especially in primary and middle years. It's hard work to keep students motivated to make a short film or doco over ten to twelve weeks. It is much more satisfying to have them produce something quickly about something that matters to them. It doesn't matter if some (or many) aspects of the production are un-polished. The aim is not to build expert technical skills, but to positively engage students in the processes of using media to challenge media.

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